Write Another Decree

Esther 8:8 Now write another decree in the king’s name in behalf of the Jews as seems best to you, and seal it with the king’s signet ring—for no document written in the king’s name and sealed with his ring can be revoked.”

Today is Purim - a Jewish festival commemorating the defeat of Haman in the Book of Esther - 

And today I have been reflecting on this story. The evil Haman had convinced the king to write an edict or a decree - it was irrevocable - permanent - binding. This edict was to annihilate and utterly destroy the Jews. 

I have been thinking about decrees. The decrees that are written and proclaimed over us. The decrees from society, our family, even the church. The edicts we have pronounced over ourselves or the proclamations from that condemning lying enemy of our souls.

You will never be free from this addiction

You are always going to fall short

You are a failure. You can't because you are.....a woman...too young....too old....from the wrong family.....not enough education....not smart enough...too fat...too broken...too late.

Healing is may happen to other marriages but not yours. Provision may come for other people but not you. Opportunities open for some but yours are over.

Its your fault you were abused. Your sins are too great to be forgiven. You are not good enough. You are not lovable. You are not........ You are too.... You are......


There is a higher decree. There is a better edict. There is a True Proclamation!

In the Book of Esther the king wrote better decree - giving the Jews authority over their enemies - giving them authority and resource to fight - providing a way for them to thrive and live and prosper and lead! This edict was also irrevocable binding and permanent.......and it OVERRULED the other.

My King has written a better decree over my life...and yours. And now we can take His Word that is active and alive and powerful and true.....and we continue to proclaim over our lives the better way.

You are enough.

You are forgiven and you sins are remembered no more.

You are healed. You are delivered.

The years of devastation will be restored.

You are free! You are complete. You are extravagantly loved. You are invaluable. You are needed. You are able. You are empowered. You are established. You are blessed.

You are strong.

Whatever you are facing today. Whatever is being spoken you you.....