
About the Author

Victoria Knight Eachus - Seasoned (pretty word for middle-aged) mother of four! Embracing every moment of their lives and mine. I’m a wife - for 33 years! Perpetual Student. Writer. Encourager. Love to Laugh and Cry. Hate whiners and complainers, yet I find I am both. Love Grace. Love Mercy. Stay in constant need of them both.

I have a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Studies. I bloom where I am planted…here in Cleveland TN where at Lee University, my local church North Cleveland COG, coffee shops, classrooms, and my kitchen, I am trying (sometimes poorly) to be a conduit of love, hope, wisdom, and revelation.

About the Blog posts

But She Had Wings, is a place to embrace the hilarious, tragic, wonderful, heartbreaking, details of life within a particular context. That context is the understanding that we are created for a purpose, for eternity and to reflect glory. Every day that is forgettable in its mundane repetition, every day that is saturated with greatness -- and every kind of moment in between -- Meaning is there, Glory is there, Purpose in There. 

About the Secret Place -  Meditations/Devotions

Welcome to the Secret Place. These meditations come from several years of my own personal journaling. They are actual entries from my prayer journals and represent what I have come to refer to as “The Secret Place”

Psalm 91:1 “She who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty…”

One of the hopes, prayers, and intentions of sharing these meditations is to provide a tool for you to use during your prayer time….for your “Secret Place with the Most High”. It’s a place for intimacy and relationship, because out of relationship with Him comes healing, blessing, deliverance, discipleship, transformation, salvation, freedom, Wisdom and so much more.

I challenge you…I dare you to enter this Secret Place fully expecting to hear from God and be transformed.