My name is Victoria not Vicki - but you can call me Toe
Okay so "identity" is a thing for me right now. And by thing I guess I mean that I have been contemplating my own identity - my true identity, my identity as it relates to others, my identity in Jesus Christ. In other words I am trying to figure out Who Am I?
I am not so much talking about labels...I have fought long and hard (still fighting) to reject labels and to be careful not to place them on anyone (including myself). No I am talking about being. Who am I. What am I to the people in my life. What name does God have for me?
Dale Carnegie said, "“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language”. My name is Victoria.
When I was little my mother used to tell me to remind others that my name was "Victoria" and not "Vicki" - as I repeat her words now, I want to say them with a British accent so that it can sound as pretentious as it seemed. It wasn't pretense though. My name is Victoria. She was teaching me to assert myself and take a stand for my identity. She also taught me to make sure I knew who I was in Christ - Secure, Loved, Accepted, Forgiven, Blessed, Anointed, Cherished.
Alas, the first grandchild of my mother was born and she couldn't say Victoria. She called me Toe. And I have been Toe in my family ever since. But I LOVE to hear my nieces and nephews call me Toe. And my great nieces and nephews call me Aunt Toe. Why? Because Aunt Toe represents a person and a relationship to them that no one else has. (Toe let them drive in the mall parking lot when they were ten). I respond to them. I love being Toe.
Recently if found a cassette tape of me and my Dad. I was probably six or seven. On the recording, we tell each other how much we love each other. I say, "I love you Daddy" and says He loves me "oodles and oodles and barrels and barrels full". We sing together "I love you truly, truly dear...". He calls me Baby. I respond to him. I loved being my Dad's Baby.
When my name became Mom, well I embraced it as the most fulfilling wonderful part of my life. When I hear my kids say "Momma" there is an unspeakable joy....its so profound it hurts - but its a pain you can't live without. There is purpose and for me something utterly divine in this part of who I am. Whether they are loving on me or looking for a matching pair of socks, I respond to them. I love being Momma.
My 14 year old daughter actually calls me Victoria sometimes. But only when I am being "extra". And believe me I am "extra" sometimes. I respond to her. I love that I am "too extra sometimes Victoria".
I am daughter. I am sister. I am friend. I am aunt. I am wife. I am mother. These relationships shape me and form me. And I cherish every one of them. I respond to each name, each identity, and each person that is connected to me in these glorious relationships.
But over any other identity and name - I want to respond to my Creator and Savior. I want to hear Him say my name and show me who I am IN HIM. Let me take a moment to remind you of who you are to Him....
You are His Friend (John 15:15).
You are a Masterpiece (Eph 2:10).
You are a Treasure (Deut. 7:6).
You are a Son or a Daughter (2 Cor 6:18).
You are His Beloved (Song of Solomon 2:16).....
And oh so much more....I Love being His!